Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:
I want to express my opinion over the article in the January 27th issue and correct a statement that was written about what the ASG Legislative Committee and the Washington Student Lobby are working on this legislative session in Olympia. The article states that the Legislative Committee has been working on “retaining a 10 percent cap on annual increases in student fees.” This statement is untrue. The Legislative Committee and WSL are working to make sure that the tuition cap of 5 percent that was recommended in the Governor’s budget is held in the Legislature’s budget. We would want the 5 percent cap to be seen as the ceiling and not the floor when institutions look at raising tuition. If this cap is not held, tuition could be raised as far as 14 percent in one year. I would like students to know that this is a top priority of the ASG Legislative Committee and the Washington Student Lobby. Tuition is only one of the Legislative Committee’s priorities this year. Another priority for them is creating a regional pilot program for a student position on Community College’s Board of Trustees. This legislation will give students the ability to have a voice on their college’s higher governing boards. These two issues are what the ASG Legislative Committee’s primary focus is right now. There are current multiple pieces of legislation that are always appearing in Olympia that we are constantly reviewing. Please know that we have the student’s best interests at heart. And if any student would like to get active with the Legislative Committee and help do phone calling or emailing, please do not hesitate to visit us in Student Programs.
Brianne Wood Committee Member ASG Legislative Committee