International Student Programs

Spend one day at Bellevue College and you’ll notice the rich diversity and culture on campus. But one can’t help but wonder just how do students from outside the United States acquire help on their road to success?

Well, it all starts at International Student Programs. This program is for students who aren’t just new to the United States, but a whole new way of learning.  International admissions coordinators, Christine Lewis and Sandra Bonifield are eager to help all international students, who come through ISP to get their education headed towards the sky.

“ I’m happy to be helping international students here at ISP. It truly is my passion,” said Lewis, with a beaming smile.

Some of the first phases that students will go through before they come to ISP is to dream like many of us do, to gain their education in the United States. It’s not always easy.  “Students will get a special VISA passport and be required to take 12 credits per quarter. Soon after that the students will enter one of the intensive English university program and move on to the college credit classes to gain their two year degree and finish with their four year degree at a university,” Lewis commented with enthusiasm.

Along with the intensive English program, ISP also offers international business program, ESL community program, special programs for students to work in bigger groups to help one another and even online courses.

Thinking of a scholarship? If you’re an international student in the top percentages and have high grades, you are worthy of a $500 scholarship per term. “Students can obtain an IBP internship which helps them improve their English and business skills,” Bonifield commented. “This is a year program which is separated from ISP, but also helps students with their resume and helps them gain experience,” Bonifield added. Make no mistake – ISP is here to help international students all the way to the top.

Students may develop a close bond with coordinators and helpful resources from ISP and the experience they take from it.  Other than that, academic students can find help in housing assistance and connecting with the new world around them.

Not to forget that students can find a wide range of activities to meet not only other international students, but develop friendship and connections with American students that makes the rich cultural climate much better at BC.

Do you know a foreign language? Well, even if you aren’t an international student, it might be an opportunity for you to develop your foreign language speaking skills and help someone else fine-tune theirs. Lewis stated, “Domestic students who are able to help international students around BC is a win-win situation.”

ISP is more than what meets the eye. A refuge and open gate to those who have come from far, to forge their talents in the classrooms and on the campus grounds of Bellevue College. It’s not a wonder why when you think of ISP’s brilliant motto “Where the world comes together to learn.” You can’t help but smile with confidence no matter what race or where you come from.