Egypt’s step back

In Egypt there is both rejoicing and mourning. There are Egyptians celebrating fulfilled demands and there are those who mourn, grieved with the departure of a democratic elective system that ensures their voices were heard.

Media outlets reported millions and some even 33 million took to Tahrir Square in Cairo while Egypt is a country of 82.5 million. Cairo has  9.2 million.

The numbers of protesters in contrast to  the population and the area of Tahrir, but that is besides the point, what happened on July 4 was that President Morsi with a specific four- year term with an elected constitution was made to step down by a crowd of no-exact number, backed by the military who claimed to represent millions in a country where these millions did not speak.

This Morsi smack down is precisely what first revolutionaries sacrificed life against: a military rule.

Standing against Hosni Mubarak, the truly visioned were met by waves of resistance from Egypt’s military, but as the protests progressed, the army saw opportunity in what the people demanded.

This scene of military support and resistance at Tahrir repeats itself with every scenario the Egyptians faced, whether it be it the initial election after Mubarak, the famous constitution or the fall of Morsi. Casualties and death initiated by military stances are forgotten almost as soon as they happen.

And yet what were the complaints against Morsi?

Poverty, electrical and fuel difficulty, along with a failed economy seemed to have disappeared overnight with the removal of Morsi. Either they never existed or Egypt has slipped back to a regime that sees and hears no crisis.

In of a year, it is difficult for any economic situation to be cured.

Having only a fourth of his term to fulfill any expectations, the true face of the first democratically elected president of Egypt will remain unknown as again ,he spends time in prison.

Even if Morsi was Mubarak himself, this change of government should’ve been faced with more patience and vision for the sake of an elective system staying in place.

Not to mention, he’s the only president that didn’t sprawl around the presidential palace, but continued in a rented apartment with a regular wage, as much part of the people, as elected by the people.

This step (dare I utter the unspeakable term “military-coup”) says one of two things: one that the Egyptians either do not understand democracy and/or are not ready for it or that the Egyptian military has had too much privilege in the past and is not willing to let go.

Unlike any president in the region or predecessors, Morsi has always addressed complaints with explanations and apologizes.

Some say Morsi’s style was too soft,  lax giving key opposition figures positions of leadership for a country with a deep history of breeding disagreement.  Whatever the real reason for his over-throw, Egypt is a country where the democrats are not liberals, and the liberals are not democratic.

Hosni Mubarak may not be in the picture today, but this “new” government sure ensures his tactics are. Oppositional figures, the Muslim Brotherhood and journalists face prison time yet again.

In the words of Reza Aslan: “If you believe that the same generals who, until two years ago actually ran the country, do not want to regain power, then I have a pyramid I’d like to sell you.”

Thanks to this, their 2011 revolution now means almost nothing.


*Editor’s Note: This is a  reprint of this  article from  the issue  07/16 due to content errors.