Transitioning through life’s many phases

We live in a highly structured society. Skyscrapers appear to be soaring higher. New technology is released frequently. Jobs are becoming more competitive and specialized. There are new advancements constantly being released that add on to that system. That structure influences almost everything and demands that all things follow suit. Even we, as individuals, transition through life in a structured arrangement and the successful progression through life is expected to contribute to the overall growth of society.

As a college student, there is incredible pressure on me to choose the right major that will lead to the perfect job, which hopefully will make me both happy and comfortable. It’s the kind of life that was subliminally taught early on in my entire educational career. After completing school, I would transition into a job that I’ve been studying for. A few years later, I might start to consider being married or having a family.

An individual’s life is carefully structured and divided into specific phases; each phase is directly connected to the next. Each phase becomes more significant as one grows older. For example, in elementary and middle school, the curriculum will teach a student how to do basic math, converse and write simply about big ideas and read at a certain level.

If all of this is accomplished, a student may successfully transition into high school, where those aforementioned skills are tested and expected to improve. High school then becomes an important phase in one’s life. It’s where one develops physically and mentally. It’s a phase where individuality is born. It’s also a period that is directly linked to college. As one progresses into a different phase of life, new responsibilities arise, some of which are not explicitly stated, and life seems to become more difficult.

With this perspective, life is like “Mario” or any game that has levels with increasing difficulty. It’s frustrating to think that life is partitioned into various phases. It’s almost infuriating, however, when it feels like one can’t turn back and redo a certain part. Moreover, this idea becomes more daunting when one realizes that the upcoming stage of life cannot be stalled. Therefore, during my time in college, the responsibility of choosing the right major becomes urgent.

In addition, certain events can occur in each stage that might hinder an individual from transitioning successfully such as being laid off or performing poorly in high school. At those obstacles, it’s hard to decide what to do. It’s worse when others who are in the same stage of life are transitioning into a new phase successfully. However, although these phases of life may be a prevalent force, it’s also something we should take loosely like an outline rather than a strict set of rules.

I performed terribly during high school and that was the main reason I decided to attend Bellevue College. During my graduation, I was extremely terrified of my future because all of my friends were off to four-year universities. I thought I would not be as successful or not develop as an individual. Initially, BC was a reluctant choice, but it later became an institution for second chances. The school’s community was comprised of different ages, cultures and experiences. Some students were attending the school to transition into a new job. Others wanted an additional degree or a new skillset. The community deviated from the standard system of life and became proof that there are always opportunities to redo one’s past mistakes and failures.

On the other hand, not everyone has access to a school with worker retraining programs or associate degrees. However, this shouldn’t mean that those resources are simply nonexistent.

Opportunities are abound and second chances can be made if one really wants it. Even though time passes and one transitions to another stage in life, the chance to redo past mistakes and failures is always there. An individual just has to find their own version of BC to support that change.