“The Kingsman” fuses James Bond and the Knights of the Round Table

Based off the comic series “The Secret Service”, “Kingsmen” is an action film starring Samuel L. Jackson and Colin Firth and is directed by Matthew Vaughn. After being released worldwide, the film grossed over 223 million dollars.

Kingsmen is a secret international agency dedicated to fighting crime on a global scale, while maintaining the ideas and beliefs of the classic English gentleman.

It is a modern day spy movie adding in ideals of class and refinement. Showing that not all traditional ideas are worthless, Harry Hart, portrayed by Firth and mentor to the protagonist, says in the beginning of the film, “the suit is the armor of the modern gentlemen” and “manners maketh man.”

The plot revolves around a young man named Gary “Eggsy” Unwin, whose father was a fallen Kingsmen, and his training as a future Kingsmen. Seventeen years after the death of Eggsy’s father, Professor James Arnold is kidnapped by mercenaries led by Valentine, Internet millionaire and main villain of the film.

Kingsmen agent Lancelot attempts to rescue the professor, whose mathematic skills and theories are of great value to Valentine, but fails and is killed in the process by Valentine’s henchwoman, Gazelle.

After the death of Lancelot, we see each of the Kingsmen agents bring forth potential candidates to take the place of their fallen comrade. The candidates must go through several stages of training to prove their worthiness and competence.

There is the charismatic villain everyone loves to hate. Valentine, who believes that humanity is a virus, plans to cause a mass genocide of the earth’s population with the exception of a few wealthy members of society.

To put it simply, the general idea of the film was predictable and cliché, but there were many parts that were unique, like the use of Knights of the Round Table for code names.
Much to my surprise, Collin Firth plays the role of a British spy quiet well.  With his calm and collected persona, he is able to mask his James Bond side. He is able to play the role of a mentor without being the stereotypical old white-haired man.

The film is more violent than the trailer suggests. With the thrilling plot line, it is no wonder there are so many bloody scenes. One character, Gazelle, has spears for legs, making her a deadly opponent.

With the positive reviews from both critics and viewers, some question the possibility of a sequel in the future. My overall rating of the movie is a four and a half stars out of five. From the soundtrack to the cast, Kinsmen: Secret Service was everything a modern spy movie should be.