Lotus club at BC

Lotus Club began two quarters ago, led by aspiring personal trainer and BC student Daniel Morris. The club provides an environment to practice yoga and meditation.

According to Morris, attendance was nominal throughout fall quarter, but during winter quarter a new member has joined every week. The club was created to encourage wellness on campus. Morris claims, “We as students are constantly stressed,” and explained that meditation “helps us unwind.”

Club meetings are held Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and include free tea.

Ashley Smithson, a member of the lotus club enjoyed her experience with the club. “It’s been fantastic,” she said. “The guy Daniel is really good. He’s a great instructor.”
The group is all-inclusive, and everyone is welcome to join or drop in during a meeting to see if they are interested.

Megan Phan, the club’s vice president, claimed that when one takes the time to do yoga and meditation, it actually brings awareness to the body and an understanding of what one needs to work on. “It makes me focus,” she said. Furthermore, she said, “Meditation and yoga are great for the mind and body. It is great at revitalizing the spirit.”

Phan also added that yoga can help with one’s overall health. She explained that students are always rushing about, and that time spent focused on breathing goes a long ways towards improving health and well-being.

Phan is not only interested in the club as a means to improve her own health, but she also hopes to find people “who are good at yoga, who are well known for their practice and bring them in to teach students.” Phan believes that hosting an event by bringing an experienced yoga practitioner will benefit the club members.

Morris said the one thing he didn’t like about the club is its location. While the lotus club is currently held in a conference room, Morris is working to secure time in the dance studio in the R building basement.

As a full-time student at BC and martial arts instructor, Morris will be receiving his personal trainer certification this quarter. “It is my mission to bring the people to achieve their highest potential and that starts from within,” Morris said.

Morris said that with practice, one can bring themselves into a meditative state that eases anxieties, depression, fear and negativity.
Lotus club will continue to meet regularly on Thursdays and all are encouraged to attend.