Letter from El Centro Latino

Dear Editorial Staff:

 After reading the current printed edition of the Jibsheet, the October 13, 2009, Volume 80 – Issue 5. On page four, the article: “ASG meets to make important decisions”, sixth paragraph.  The only program and club, from Bellevue College (BC) that is not addressed by their names are: El Centro Latino E.C.L. (program) and the Latin American Culture Club (L.A.C.C.). Instead, we are referred as: “They”. A problem I find very common, not only in publications like the Jibsheet, but also on the most important newspapers of the United States.  Making reference of Latino’s as aliens, as out of this universe, and excluded. Not even doing the simplest, and most respectful effort to name us by our names, and to be included as part of this country as well.

 I am glad that mistakes like this one in particular happened here at Bellevue College. Because this is not a writing problem, or an editorial problem, is the way how the minds of society are shaped through the ignorance and power of the media, and this then becomes a great opportunity to change this stereotypical conceptions, and to educate society. You guys have an amazing tool to connect with Bellevue College through words, with your weekly newspaper, and this can be a great beginning. If we start now, to change these stereotypes, and educate our community, BC community, we are going to make a big step, because here are the leaders of the future America.

 Thank you very much for your time,


German Cubillos

Director – El Centro Latino