Hair in my food

Not once, not twice, not even three times, but on five separate occasions have I been so lucky as to find a hair in my Bellevue College cafeteria food. I don’t pay thousands of dollars in tuition every quarter to be subjected to this kind of nonsense. Pulling a hair out of my mouth is the kind of nightmare scenario I expect to suffer when ordering from a dingy, greasy truck-stop diner, not an educational facility. I implore the cafeteria workers to consider wearing hairnets or hats from here on out.

They’re not only to prevent hair from falling in the food. They stop any dirt, dandruff and who knows what else that might be nesting upon a worker’s head from falling in the food!

The University of Washington seems to have the right idea. Visit the campus dining halls, the Eleven-O-One Café for example, and you’ll see their employees take the aforementioned precaution of wearing a hairnet when they know they’ll be coming in contact with food.  I have never had any disappointment with the service or staff at any of those locations, and most importantly, I have never had to pull a hair from my mouth.

Another great role model would be Costco. Employees working in the food courts at all locations can be witnessed not only wearing hairnets, but they even wear “beardnets!” And once again, I have never once had a problem with hair in my food at any of their establishments.

Is it too much to ask for those working in the cafeteria to aspire to more than the minimal standards of the food handling industry? All in all, I only wish the cafeteria to be as exceptional as the rest of the campus.