Contemporary Interiors:1980-present

InteriorDesignSliderOffered this quarter at BC for the interior design or art lovers is INDES 396, or Special Topics in Interior Design: Contemporary Interiors 1980-present. The class focuses mainly on deconstruction, minimalism, sustainability and globalization.

Ozge Sade, instructor for the course, has been doing her best to get the word out about the class. In addition to the arrival of this class, she also announced that come spring quarter, she’ll be teaching a class on women in the interior design and art force. Not only is she hoping to see more women in her classes, but students from other departments as well.

Going more in depth on the course coverage, Sade explained that it gets into the critique of modern architecture. The class starts with critique of interior design and architecture in the ‘60s and continues on to post-modern interior design and architecture in the ‘70s and ‘80s. Additionally, the class covers other movements such as pop art. After all of that is said and done, Sade also touches on different architectural and design styles throughout the world.

When signing up for classes, the workload from each class is always a concern. Luckily for students, Sade admitted that even though there should be more work, the course load isn’t too heavy. With 20-30 pages of reading per class with small assignments, two presentations and one final, it should be an easy and fun feat for most design and art students.

Sade encourages design and art students to join especially because, “it’s really important that they know the contemporary design in interior design and architecture in the past 30 years. And they’ll learn about the social and political issues which they can use in their design projects. I encourage other students from art departments, geology departments and from other social science classes to sign up as well. It’s a great class for them as well because they’ll gain lots of knowledge and vision.”

As for the future of the class, Sade said. “I really want the class to be more introductory, so other students from other departments can take it. What I’d like to add to classes every day is new discussions, and new issues that are arising every day in architecture.”

For those who are interested, contact Ozge Sade at or keep an eye out when registering for classes this spring quarter.