Camp Casey

Camp Casey is a four-day leadership retreat that includes interactive leadership seminars. In addition, this retreat has everything from games, food, camp fires, other students from Bellevue College and a ropes course. This event also provides students with the opportunity to make friends and meet the staff at Bellevue College. Prium, one of the students involved in Student Programs, is very passionate about Camp Casey. “Camp Casey is a leadership retreat that takes place during the summer on Whidbey Island. The retreat is about leadership. You learn about being a good leader, as well as a being good follower. You get to know more students around you and in clubs and other programs around campus.”

Camp Casey has helped shape Prium’s personality in many positive ways and has had a powerful impact on his life as a whole. “For me, Camp Casey has had a positive impact on my life. When you go to Camp Casey, you get to meet a lot of other students and a lot of the staff as well. Usually, you just go to

school, go to class and then go home. However, after visiting Camp Casey, I got more involved in school and in Student Programs.” This event is open and available to all students on campus. However, GPA and college credits do play a role into whether students can go. This camp can also increase the chances of getting a job at Bellevue College and is an excellent accomplishment to put on a resume.

Victor, another member of ASG, believes that Camp Casey is a great opportunity for students to grow themselves as people. “Camp Casey is a really good opportunity for students who are willing to be involved on campus and in the community as well. It is a way to acquire leadership skills [and is a] fun place for students to get away from the school environment to the nice, quiet Whidbey Island, and have a good time with fellow students and get to know other leaders on campus and what they are doing.”

In addition to the leadership skills taught, this camp will also teach you about skill development, character development, public service, ethical conduct, the empowerment

of others and on the value of pluralism and diversity.

In addition to the positive impact the retreat has had on Prium, Victor’s life has also been positively impacted in many ways as well. “Before I attended Camp Casey, I was a really reserved person. I never talked too much and opened up much either, like being upfront and meeting

people. But, after the first time I visited Camp Casey, that all changed. I got involved in clubs and activities. I started coming here to Student Programs more, which helped me get more involved in different clubs as well. It helped with getting jobs on campus and getting to know other people like Faisal Jaswal, Nora Lance and Sara Fischer that can help

out with resumes and all that other kind of stuff. It gave me more connections, helped improve my personality and gave me opportunities to grow my groove as a leader.” Victor has also seen the positive impact that this camp has had on other people on campus as well. This event will take place on Whidbey Island this summer from Monday, June 23