Aspirin: the wonder drug

By Stephen King.
One drug that can be found in every household is aspirin, and there’s a reason. Aspirin lowers blood pressure and wards off heart attacks. In 2002, Spanish studies found that taking 100 milligrams of aspirin before bed reduces high blood pressure. In fact, the U.S preventative Health Task Force recommends that people with a family history of heart problems and any person suffering from high blood pressure start popping aspirin NOW. For those who suffer from injuries or delayed-onset muscle soreness, researchers have found evidence that aspirin can help. Patients with DOMS who used aspirin found that taking 900mg of the drug a day, made the pain and discomfort caused by strenuous exercise subside within hours. Aspirin is also proven to help athletes play sport up to their expected standard, despite being injured. Aspirin is effective in preventing both prostate and colon cancer. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, studied 1,400 men over 5 years, finding that aspirin could reduce the risk of prostate cancer by up to 83 percent. Aspirin limits the damage of COX-2 enzymes, which are responsible for the growth of cancer cells. For this very reason, aspirin is linked to reducing the risk of colon cancer. “COX-2 is present in the vast majority of colorectal tumors,” said Andrew Chan, M.D of the Massachusetts General Hospital Gastrointestinal Unit. Aspirin also reduces the life of facial herpes, also known as the cold sore. Scientists found that patients who used aspirin had a cold sore for five days; whereas those who didn’t use the drug had the ugly facial growth for eight days, nearly double the length of time. Istvan Karadi, M.D., stated that aspirin reduces the inflammation of the cold sore, helping the area heal quickly and effectively. It is about time we prevented high blood pressure through our diet and exercise, and ward off heart attacks through careful analysis of the stress and routine of our daily lives. As for our sporting injuries, DOMS and dermatological problems, we must stretch appropriately before physical exertion, consult physiotherapists about exercise and be confident in our imperfect skin. Just remember, drugs are not the answer to all of our problems, and as we become more more accustomed to using them, our bodies stop building up immunity against nasty diseases. So, always consult your doctor before reaching into the drug cabinet.